What’s New?

This IS supposed to be a monthly newsletter, am I right?

Yeah, yeah, I dropped the ball!! No excuses, but I am trying to get the hang of this semi-retirement thing and I’m not doing a great job of it. Trying to juggle all the different things – part-time consulting in the technology industry, writing my new book (‘Glitz. Glamour. Murder.’), trying to market my current book (‘The Murder Game’), and trying to create some semblance of a personal life in the margins…..let’s just say that I suck at this point! But I’m trying to get better!

First, some good news: I’m probably about 80% finished with the first draft of ‘Glitz. Glamour. Murder.’ and it’s coming along great! I’ve shared the first 100 pages with a couple of beta readers and their feedback is that it’s the best thing I’ve ever written. OK, that’s not to say that I’ll be compared to Shakespeare or Hemingway, but I’ll take every bit of positive feedback that I can get!

More good news: I’ve done two successful book signings at local Barnes & Noble stores and have additional signings being scheduled now in Richmond (6/24 from 1-3pm at Chesterfield Towne Center) and getting ready to lock the date for Newport News (Patrick Henry Mall).

So, what else has been taking my time and keeping me from keeping my commitment to send out a monthly newsletter to my followers? Well, it’s springtime, and in the spring a young (or not so young) man’s fancy turns to…..his boat! For years I’ve been too busy working and traveling to do the 1001 chores that need to be done on my boat every spring, but I vowed that this year would be different. After all, I’m now semi-retired as of February 1st, though I’ve told you that I’m not doing a very good job of balancing that yet! Let me start by saying that working on the boat is another thing that I need to add to the long and growing list of things that shouldn’t be that damn hard but now almost kill me. I’m not sure when washing and waxing the boat, painting the bottom, etc. suddenly became as physically exhausting and taxing as a season of tackle football or rugby, but I’m here to tell ya – my body may never recover. And in case you’re wondering, it’s not like I own a superyacht: it’s only 23’, but I promise you, it feels like an aircraft carrier when you’re working on it. I worked on it for nearly two weeks, actually just finishing it yesterday morning. After a handful of Advil and a few glasses of wine, I think it’s still touch & go as far as ever fully recovering😊.




Magazine Article


How I Got Hooked On Writing